Excel Productivity


Countdown 2 does what is says...

PasswordGen generates safe passwords without using the internet.

CylCalc is a simple tank volume calculator.

Tired of your boss "cooking the  books"? Try this! I made this originally for my co-workers so explanations are in Dutch but it should work with the English version of Excel. 1.8 MB

TimeKeeper V. 1-16 CRT --- Version 1.0 --- 1.1.2016 

 Version 1.1 --- 4.4.2019 (Adapted to new Belgian legislation).

 Version 1.2 --- 2.10.2020 (Made some changes to sheets "Prestatie" and "Recup").

 Version 1.3 --- 29.12.2022 (Adapted sheet "Berekenen verlof FED" to new Belgian legislation).

 Version 1.4 --- 4.3.2023 (Guess what! Adapted sheet "Berekenen verlof FED" to new Belgian legislation).          12

UniTravel is an easy to use travel expenses calculator.

If you need more power...108 participants and up to 213 items. 3.4 MB

UniTravel + --- Version 1.0 --- 23.8.2021

 Version 1.1 --- 5.9.2021 (Made it better).

 Version 1.2 --- 14.9.2021 (Added a "Number of parts" calculator in sheet "Unequal split").

 Version 1.3 --- 28.12.2022 (Clarification of data transfer in sheet "How to").          15

CoinValue can help you out when you need to "count" the coins of your piggy bank.

Prime numbers for Kids Part One. Take a look at these enigmatic numbers...

Prime numbers for Kids Part Two...and keep looking for that secret algorithm!

CubeGeometry is an addendum to the pdf file on this site.

This is a request for the leading pasta manufacturers.

Standing on the beach and looking for the horizon? Floating on a raft and looking for land?

The coming of Cygnus atratus. 1.7 MB

Pandemic --- Version 1.0 --- 21.4.2020

 Version 1.1 --- 30.4.2020 (Added start day of removal % R).

Version 1.2 --- 20.12.2020 (Added number of I on day 1).          22    

This calculator can come in handy if you need to juggle with time.

If you want to keep track of the Covid-19 vaccination rate in your community you can use this.

VaccRate --- Version 1.0 --- 13.3.2021

Calculation of prerotation of landing gear wheels.

SI Prefixes calculator displays the results in all powers of the SI units system (2022).

You want to install a patio with clinkers? Or perhaps a path with bricks?

Pi for Kids Part One.

Pi for Kids Part Two.

Estimation of EV charging cost --- Version 1.0 --- 15.10.2023

 Version 1.1 --- 18.10.2023 (Table added).

Would you rather have a gift that you really want?

Als je het moeilijk hebt om je budget in evenwicht te brengen...discipline vereist!

If you're having a hard time balancing your budget...discipline required!

Gebruik deze versie als je een negatief startbedrag als een schuld wil afbetalen.

Use this version if you want to pay off a negative starting amount as a debt.

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