Q: Can you give me the code for a protected file?

A: No, those files are there for your convenience but as I see it they took a lot of time and effort to make so if you want to know how they work maybe you should try to create them from scratch. It’s up to you to play it fair (or not). There are no secrets - only basic techniques are used - in the files on this website, the main reasons for me using passwords is to avoid mistakes while using them and to preserve the integrity of the files.


Q: Can I ask you to make a spreadsheet for me?

A: You can, but I don’t have the time to do it…so…WYSIWYG!


Q: Why can’t I print the Excel Art Works?

A: Because eventually in the future I’m planning to do this in a professional setting.


Q: How did you make the Excel Art Works?

A: I made a grid of 30 rows filling the cells in a repetitive pattern of four randomly chosen colors out of 13.


Q: Why are you not answering my mail?

A: I’m not a commercial company and consequently I do not always have the time or the motivation to do so…if your question/remark/suggestion is not related to a topic on t-h-i-n-k.be I will not answer it.


Q: What about advertising?

A: No advertising will be accepted on t-h-i-n-k.be